Monday, January 6, 2020

Stencyl: Crash Course 1 - Let's Make a Game


Crash Course 1

  1. Crash Course Kit -LINK - drag into Stencyl or IMPORT

Another simple game - create it - then change it to make it your own

YouTube Tutorials

You have 2 weeks left - 10 class days - create 5 SOLID posts -
What did you do? with images and examples - gifs too
What did you learn? with images and examples - gifs too
What will you do tomorrow? Your plan for learning and advancing...

Here is the CODE to embed your game: 
1. need SWF file
2. get share link from DROPBOX
3. make changes
note dl 
note %20 is just a blank space
note nothing between .swf and '

<embed align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" height="480" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"></embed>

Stencyl: Crash Course 1 - Let's Make a Game

Stencyl Download Crash Course 1 requires: Crash Course Kit - LINK  - drag into Stencyl or IMPORT Another simple game - c...