Monday, September 23, 2019

TWO weeks of CODING

TWO weeks of CODING 
 Choose an online programming site 
Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation
I quite like this one. Work until you get past "Text and Strings".
Introduction to HTML
Some of this code can be used on your blog!
The Basic Cityscape
Flappy Square
looks a lot like Actionscript used by Adobe Animate- I like it.

How will you be marked?
Each day - for 10 classes - you will make a BLOG post of what you did that day. This will include screen shots. You will also write about what you learnt that day. Then you will indicate what you will be doing the next day.
What I DID today- What specific things I LEARNT - What I will do TOMORROW
opaque background in the table!  uses RGB colors
the .8 is the opaqueness value between 0 and 1-where 0 is invisible  and 1 is a solid color
<table border="1" bordercolor="yellow" style="background-color: rgba(111, 144, 211, .8);" >
background-image - get link to image off the internet
<div style="background-image: url('');">

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